Mark was a great and beloved childhood friend of mine, and I know that was the case for many others. As kids, I could not have asked for a better buddy and playmate. As a young man, he was often misunderstood and unfortunately lived a fairly sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. He had a big heart, but also a bad heart, which unfortunately ran in his family with his Dad having many bypass surguries as an adult, but still living well into his seventies. Mark's family also dealt with Diabetes, with his mother passing from complications of diabetes in her 60's. Mark's father Elton passed this hereditary heart condition on to Mark, but they both also shared with us all, a sensitive and sweet way, a quick wit, and a love of games and projects, along with top notch smarts. Mark had so much potential that went unrealized, which was evident in HS when the Navy wanted him for their Nuclear program, but Mark declined... and his health issues pretty much kept him from qualifying for the services.
Mark was married late in his adult life, and had a son, Kevin, with his ex wife. The two of them split up pretty soon after the marriage, due to her being a mail order bride from Central America, and not really interested in having the relationship continue, once she was living in the states legally. It was very sad and very hard on Mark. Kevin is now being raised by Mark's sister Terry, who took him in out of the goodness of her heart, since Kevin's mother basically deserted him and didn't provide any kind of motherly love or support to him ever. Again, very sad story, but one that could still have a happy ending thanks to Terry and her family.
Mark would have laughed if he was able to hear what I thought should have been his Epitaph..."See, I told you I was sick!" He was the king of the sick day and the just "not feeling very well today" state of mind, and we teased him endlessly about his desire to have people come over to his house and hang out in his room upstairs in the attic, vs. going out to do something.
Mark left us all too soon, and he has been missed...his funny chuckle, his solid unwavering friendship, and the way he always made people laugh in spite of his own personal issues.
RIP my friend...I'll see you up there in heaven, or whereever it is that we end up in our after lives...
Marshall Carlson
Mark was a great and beloved childhood friend of mine, and I know that was the case for many others. As kids, I could not have asked for a better buddy and playmate. As a young man, he was often misunderstood and unfortunately lived a fairly sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. He had a big heart, but also a bad heart, which unfortunately ran in his family with his Dad having many bypass surguries as an adult, but still living well into his seventies. Mark's family also dealt with Diabetes, with his mother passing from complications of diabetes in her 60's. Mark's father Elton passed this hereditary heart condition on to Mark, but they both also shared with us all, a sensitive and sweet way, a quick wit, and a love of games and projects, along with top notch smarts. Mark had so much potential that went unrealized, which was evident in HS when the Navy wanted him for their Nuclear program, but Mark declined... and his health issues pretty much kept him from qualifying for the services.
Mark was married late in his adult life, and had a son, Kevin, with his ex wife. The two of them split up pretty soon after the marriage, due to her being a mail order bride from Central America, and not really interested in having the relationship continue, once she was living in the states legally. It was very sad and very hard on Mark. Kevin is now being raised by Mark's sister Terry, who took him in out of the goodness of her heart, since Kevin's mother basically deserted him and didn't provide any kind of motherly love or support to him ever. Again, very sad story, but one that could still have a happy ending thanks to Terry and her family.
Mark would have laughed if he was able to hear what I thought should have been his Epitaph..."See, I told you I was sick!" He was the king of the sick day and the just "not feeling very well today" state of mind, and we teased him endlessly about his desire to have people come over to his house and hang out in his room upstairs in the attic, vs. going out to do something.
Mark left us all too soon, and he has been missed...his funny chuckle, his solid unwavering friendship, and the way he always made people laugh in spite of his own personal issues.
RIP my friend...I'll see you up there in heaven, or whereever it is that we end up in our after lives...
Your dearest pal, Marsh
Kevin Seefeldt
I was just thinking about my favorite joke. It was from Mark. Punch line- "Death.....By Boomba!"
Art Mellor
For the curious